Oct 23, 2008

Venice 12-14 Oct

We left Austria and the Sound Of Music cliches for another cult classic, The Labyrinth. Venice is the one place in the world it's actually fun to be lost in, it's the most amazing city. This is of course after we ditched our first campsite which was based in an industrial area below a bellowing chimney.
On the way to Venice we stopped in a small town called Valpianto to join the locals at their annual chestnut festival. We sat in the sun and ate roasted chestnuts and drank local beer before continuing our journey and arriving in Venice much later then expected.
There are no cars in Venice so the streets are only one to two meters wide with buildings up to six stories high on each side, hence the Labyrinth. Unlike Amsterdam the canals almost out number the streets and so often you find your self at the end of a street/alleyway that just drops off into water. There is a lot of back tracking and recalculating your route (that's GPS talk). Our friends Paul and Alli have been living in Venice for a year now so we got guided tours of the city and it's history and also of it's best pizza and ice-cream.

Unfortunately our only photo from Venice, shame!

Oh apart from this one.

We spent our second day wandering around aimlessly with our map purposely tucked away just to see where we would end up. To find our way back again Jessee insisted we follow a beagle as he pointed out that “he looks like he knows where he is going”. Believe it or not it did the trick.

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