Oct 3, 2008


In Bonn we stayed with our good old friends, Matt and Aundrea. They live in a suburb of Bonn at the foot of a mountain covered in lush green forest. We decided to ditch the van and couch surf in their lounge for a week. Central heating rocks.
The day after we arrived we decided to explore the forest as we were told that there was wild boar and deer that roamed it. Well, we didn't see any so we kept walking to a small animal farm where they had both deer and boar behind a fence just for disappointed tourist like us. The deer was beautiful and the boar, well, I was glad they were behind a fence. That night we went out to a very fancy pants restaurant for my birthday and since I was so impressed with the deer earlier that day I figured I'd eat one. Croissants in Paris, waffles in Brussels so I figured deer in Germany. It was so good.
Chris and Matt got themselves all worked up one evening about druid rock formation so the next day we set out to find some. Lucky for me there were actually some close by. We drove to a small town and stood at the bottom of a very large hill that was entirely covered in vineyards. I felt sorry for the people who had to work those fields as they were so unbelievably steep. This is when I discovered that the precious rocks we had come to see were at the top of that same hill. I started to feel sorry for myself. It was a hard climb but well worth it, not only for the rocks but the amazing three hundred and sixty degree views of Bonn.

We continued our outdoor exploration that day with a hike to a place called the blue sea. I guess we might call it a billabong? It is an old volcano site and absolutely beautiful. It was a steep and slippery walk in places so we had a few accidents and those who know me well will know that I laughed my ass of at others misfortunes that day.

Saturday came around and we decided that a trip to Cologne was in order. So we jumped on the train with enough beer to last us the half an hour ride, remember parentals this is totally legal.
First we went to a German brewery which looked like a big drinking hall lined with big heavy wooden tables and benches. There is only one type of beer which they bring to you at your table in in .2 glasses that look like test tubes. Once you have finished you have to be quick otherwise the empty glass is gone and another has taken it's place without you even noticing the switch. That's how you end up drinking too much and the bill gets big. Matt then took us to a Reggae Club called the Petite Prince which was unlike any place I had ever been before. It is in a basement and there is no smoking allowed inside...unless it's weed, then they turn a blind eye. It was like one giant dutch oven. Remember we are not in Amsterdam yet. We stayed there for the rest of the evening watching people bump and grind each other and wave their lighters in the air. We arrived back in Bonn about five thirty the next morning, snacked on German sausage and then slept the next twenty four hours away.
We ventured back into Cologne one more time the next week to meet up with one of Chris's computer nerd buddies. His name was Frank and he was a great guy. We ventured to anther brewery and he showed us some of the history of Cologne. I even got to do a little bit of shopping.

We spent our last evening in Bonn playing wii, which much to Chris's delight I now want one! Except that it told me I was over weight which I did not like. We packed our things back into the van, stocked up on German food,(food in Germany is so cheap) and were back on the road.

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