Oct 23, 2008

Innsbruck 9-12 Oct

We took advantage of the weather and atmosphere by setting up the BBQ and the outdoor table and chairs for the first time this trip. We also set up the tent for Lake and Jessee which luckily was in one piece without holes as we had not checked before this point.

We spent our too few days in Innsbruck taking forest walks up the side of the mountain, relaxing in the sun and in the evening roasting marshmallows. Lake and I tried to start a mountain rave but the boys out right refused to dance.

Unfortunately our budget did not allow the use of the chair lifts to the mountain tops but the views were just as amazing from where we could goon foot.

Oh, except the view of the gay nudist beach/ field of grass we accidentally stumbled across on our hike. The dress code was nothing or pink, it was so weird. The map called it “Hawaii”. We got out of there pretty quickly. We left Innsbruck relaxed and refreshed ready for our next big city, Venice.

Number one tip, make sure your undies are not still in the leg of your pants when you put them on to go to the toilet in the middle of the night as they may wind up in the middle of the path for all to see in the morning. Hey Lake?

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