Dec 23, 2008

Back in London

Well yes I understand we have been in London for some time now and I am not going to make excuses why this is so behind I am just going to get on with it.
As most of you have heard when we arrived in London back on about the 26th Oct our apartment we were going to rent was still occupied and was to remain that way for three weeks so we shacked up in a hotel situated in the depths of Hell. Did not know till this point that mice and mold were sinners. It was in Harlesden, FYI:
We have crawled out of the depths and our now in the apartment in Hampstead which is just perfect. It has heating which is already one up on our previous abode and is situated on the edge of the Heath. There are even trees outside the windows which is a rarity in London.

Around our Neighbourhood

Cafe Mozart where we have breakfast

Chris has a great job for a company called RjDj. Check it out and I am at the moment a lady of leisure. Only because I do not have my visa yet. We have been into the tourist scene a little with trips to the Science Museum again, The Museum of London and both Brick lane and Portabello markets which host some fantastic local art talent well worth a look,,, www.worldofmoosecom
We have also been spending quite a bit of time with old friends who are now locals that we have not seen in a long time wining and dining, mainly wining. There are some fantastic restaurant around and having friends that know the place well is a great help.
With Christmas just around the corner London is in full spirit! We have been out after dark, which can be as early as four, to see the Christmas lights that line all the high streets and every where you go there are carol singers. Some actually got into our building the other night when I was home alone so I turned off the television and lights and hid from them.

I was home alone as Chris had to fly to Berlin for work which was quite unexpected, so I stayed home and joined the gym which was also very unexpected as those who know me well would agree.
Back to Christmas. In Hyde Park there is a Winter Wonder Land which is so beautiful. Full of rides, lights and Christmas trees. It is huge and has hundreds of stalls full of hot chocolate, mulled wine and German sausages? We plan on going back there for some dinner, drinks and rides on Christmas Eve. We are going to go to the Cinema in Islington to watch It's a Wonderful Life. This should be watched by all at Christmas so run out and grab a copy.
Our Christmas tree has long been up and I decided to go with a white one, as if this is not going to be a white Christmas I will fake it. Although we have had two days of light snow which is amazing as I have never seen it before.
We don't have any real plans for Christmas as little did we know that all public transport comes to a stand still on Christmas day so instead we have ordered some bean bags and Midsommer Murders dvds and will live it up in the warmth of the house with lots of mulled wine, good food and our new bean bags. New years eve is another story though, we plan on a big night out. But that's a story for another time.
Today we are off to the Highgate cemetery. This may sound odd but it is actually an amazing beautiful place. It's huge, run down and over grown with old angels and tombstones amongst the growth. It's 3 pounds to go exploring, we might even run into the Highgate Vampire!
An old legend, I think people still have sightings but they crazy.

Been and gone now

Hope you all have an amazing Christmas and a fantastic New Year. We wish you all the best and a safe and happy holiday. We miss you all! Much love always, Michelle and Chris

P.S To the Bridgetown crew, don't have to much fun without us. See you there next year!


Lake said...

Yay! So good to hear from you!!

dan said...

midsomer murders?!

happy xmas dudes.

Dirk said...

I don't know how you can smile when that giant wheel of death is about to crush that poor woman and her baby.

Merry Christmas!