Mar 4, 2009

New Year In London

Just a quick up date. So far the New Year is going well. Chris is enjoying work and I'm, well, I'm enjoying not working. Purely due to lack of visa not lack of motivation. We have settled into our new place in Islington and it has everything that we need. Our flat is above a shoe store, and sandwiched between Starbucks and a 24 hour deli. All bases are covered.
We are slowly getting use to the London lifestyle, we even experienced a snow day. So amazing!

Lately Chris has grown accustom to riding the front seat of the red double decker, arms spread wide announcing he is "King of the world" No kidding! 3% for enjoyment and 97% for the enjoyment of watching me squirm with embarrassment.
We had some very welcome Aussie visitors, Kylie and Sara who graced us with their presence. Was great to shop, sight see and even disco tec it up with some familiar faces.
We have just returned from 2 weeks in Brussels which was as outstanding as the first time. We hung out with Chris's dad who was there on business and had a beautiful dinner out for our one year anniversary. Can't believe it has been a whole year.
Of course we also revisited L'achiduc again which I can say is easily our favorite bar in Europe. We met some great German guys, drank champagne and stayed out way to long. The next day was a total waste.
Matt and Andrea our friends from Germany arrive tomorrow for the week and then we head to Barcelona for two weeks for Chris's work. Things are getting pretty busy! That's my excuse for the slack blogs.

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