Sep 7, 2008

In London Still

Yes we're in London still despite our best efforts to the contrary. Roy was a dud so we have been playing musical hotels while we look for another. It's about fifty percent cheaper to book a hotel room last minute so each day we have changed hotel and lugged our packs up and down High Street to save some pounds. Each time my heart sinks a little as I get sucked into a false sense of security believing that the new room can't possibly be any smaller than the last. It always is.

Headed into Camden Town last Sunday to meet up with Lana and Dimity. They haven't changed a bit! We drank, ate, played with reptiles, drank and drank more. I found it hard keeping up. That really says something.

I Hate Snakes. Obviously!

Camden is cool. Dimity lives above The Worlds End which is a big pub/bar that reminds me of a mix between the Loft and the Grosvenor back in the times before Perth pubs were filled with fo hawks. I loved the fact that you can carry your pint between pubs! If you get bored you pour your beer into one of the plastic cups provided at the door and you move on. Oh you can also ride a bike without a helmet which cancels out the problem of hat hair. It's anarchy!

For whom ever said food was shit in London, I am glad to say you are mistaken. We went to Wahaca, the most amazing Mexican restaurant ever! I will never eat Mexican in Perth again. I highly recommend the char grilled steak burrito to those who are soon to be on their way to London. There is also a fantastic dim sum. Best pork buns I've had to date. Sad to say that apart from the above it has been peanut butter sandwiches all the way.

Chris just arrived back and we have apparently just bought a van! If all goes well we should be on our way to Paris tomorrow. I think I might go celebrate with some wine and a peanut butter sandwich.

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