Nov 27, 2008

Perugia 16-21 Oct

Next was Perugia but on the way we stopped in San Marino for pizza and icecream and of course a tourists view of the city, which was absolutely beautiful.

Well we pretty much ate our way through Perugia! Pizza at every possible oportunity, our mission was to find the best malenzane Pizza in the city, which we did. Every other meal consisted of three courses which were, meat, pasta and finally cake. We stayed with Lakes host parents Anna and Malro just outside of Perugia in their beautiful house. Anna was our unofficial cook. Muchly appreciated by the way.

Perugia is so beautiful!

We stayed for over a week and we picked grapes,

walked to Corciano,

visited Assisi,(not impressed)

and spent a Saturday night out in the Town square of Perugia which was a crowded amazing experience.

Rimini 14-16 Oct

Ok well we didn't fall off the face of the planet I just got lazy. So sue me! But everyone can rest easy now because I will catch up on my blog today... or maybe tomorrow. I will keep the update short but sweet and let the photos speak louder then words.
Well Rimini is a seaside holiday destination on the North East coast of Italy. It is apparently the most famous seaside resort on the Adriatic Riviera. Why? I'm not sure, but if you have learnt anything from this blog I am not only lazy but also a harsh critic. We stayed in a camp right on the beach which was lovely but apparently suited more towards the elderly or infants still in need of an afternoon nap as it had regulated quiet times.
Being so close to the beach we put it to good use with our trusty BBQ and cheap Italian wine. It was great we had the whole place to ourselves, being off peak season. Lake caught shelled things with her hand off the ocean floor for us to cook on the BBQ. She had a ball and was willing to eat pretty much everything but I found the sand amongst the food a little too crunchy for my liking. We drank far to much, even swam (in the pool of course) and did some unmentionable things of the jetty. This is about the point I decided not to drink again for the rest of the trip.